Srečanje s predstavnikom Googla g. SHARADOM MEHTAOM

23 avgusta, 2013
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Alumni klub Ekonomske fakultete tokrat za člane sekcije POSLOVNA INFORMATIKA  v sodelovanju s klubi IT manager, KIRVI in Klub SIU pripravlja eksluzivno srečanje s  predstavnikom iz Googla g. Sharadom Mehtaom, ki sicer prihaja iz Avstralije je pa zadolžen za Google Enterprise za SMB za področje Indije in podkontinentov.

Srečanje bo v četrtek, 29. avgusta 2013, ob 13.00 na Ekonomski fakulteti.



Sharad Mehta is Google’s Territory Manager for Google Apps and is based in Sydney. For the past two and half year he has helped companies move to the cloud in markets in the Asia Pacific. Sharad comes with more than 6 years of market experience in Enterprise Technologies with companies like Oracle and

Kratek opis predavanja:

Google’s Enterprise Cloud Computing Strategy – 100% Web – bringing together applications, platforms and devices. It is ideal Messaging and Collaboration platform from Google called Google Apps for Business, which is ideal for Small and Medium enterprises because it gives them access to state of the art technology, is flexible, massively scalable and cost efficient compared to similarly featured products. Hence, it takes care of the essential IT for SMBs and startups letting them focus on their core business”

Ekipa Alumni kluba


23 avgusta, 2013


Ekonomska Fakulteta
Kardeljeva ploščad 17
Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenija
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